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Prism Review

Welcome to Prism Review

(We are open for submissions! For more info, click here.)

Newest news: Announcing our 2025 contest winners! 

Also, all non-contest submissions are considered for our $200 Staff Choice Award: an accepted piece chosen by our staff as best embodying two things we love and respect about writing: stylistic ambition and social engagement. One author each issue will receive this award, announced with the issue’s release in May. Our winner last year was Sarah Key for her poem “Genesis.” Congratulations, Sarah!

More News!

Brandon Som, contributor to issue 12, was awarded the 2024 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his collection Tripas congratulations, Brandon!

Jacqueline Vogtman’s (25) debut collection Girl Country was awarded the Dzanc Short Story Collection Prize

Former contributor Theodore Carter turned his story “Sonya’s Insatiable Hunger” (issue 14) into a podcast. Listen to it here!


Former contributors rocking it!

Jaquira Díaz (issue 13) had her acclaimed memoir Ordinary Girls published in 2019 … and she’s included on the July cover of, um, Time.

Carlos Andrés Gómez (21) had his collection Fractures selected by Natasha Trethewey as winner of the 2020 Felix Pollak Prize in Poetry

Jared Harél (11) had his collection Let Our Bodies Change the Subject selected by Kwame Dawes as the Winner of the Prairie Schooner Raz/Shumaker Book Prize in Poetry (U. of Nebraska Press, 2023)

an expanded run-down of our contributors’ many successes here.