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dEE-lie-LA, Poderosa, The Healers: An Exploration of Wellness

September 5-October 12, 2023

Kristin Bauer, Dream Awake 2021-2023

  • Tricia Avant
  • Kristin Bauer
  • Rochelle Botello
  • Anne Bray and
  • LA Freewaves
  • Danie Cansino
  • Carolyn Castaño
  • Micol Hebron
  • Claudia Huiza
  • Cole M. James
  • Rachel Kaster
  • Alicia Piller
  • Kiki Seror

The Harris Gallery is excited to present ” dEE-lie-LA, Poderosa, The Healers: An Exploration of Wellness,” an exhibition celebrating the power, resilience, and unique experiences of women in the realm of wellness. In this showcase, viewers are invited to embark on a theoretic journey that delves into the multifaceted aspects of well-being from a distinctly female perspective, offering a diverse and thought-provoking exploration of the transformative nature of self-care, self-love, and empowerment through art.

At the intersection of art, culture, and wellness, this exhibition aims to illuminate the profound impact women have on fostering personal growth, physical health, and emotional harmony. Nurturing the feminine spirit is not only essential for women themselves but also vital for creating more inclusive and compassionate societies.

Historically, women have played pivotal roles as caretakers, healers, and keepers of traditions that prioritize holistic well-being. This exhibition honors that legacy by providing a platform for female artists to showcase their creativity and shed light on the unique challenges, triumphs, and diverse narratives surrounding women and wellness.

The works on display encompass a wide range of artistic mediums, from paintings and sculptures to installations and interactive experiences. Each piece reflects the artist’s interpretation of wellness, inviting viewers to engage with the artworks on a personal and introspective level. By exploring themes such as self-acceptance, body positivity, mental health, and spirituality, the exhibition encourages dialogue and introspection, aiming to inspire visitors to embark on their own transformative journeys.

“dEE-lie-LA, Poderosa, The Healers: An Exploration of Wellness” is one of sixteen exhibitions participating in the 7th SUR:biennial. Conceived by Ronald Rafael Lopez in 2011, the SUR:biennial has sought to explore the complex notions of globalization and exchange that take place in the ambiguous geographical, cultural, and artistic borderlands between Southern California and the broader South. Each independently-curated exhibition showcases recent and newly-commissioned works by local and international artists influenced, in one way or another, by the cultures and artistic traditions of Mexico, Central and South America, and/or the Caribbean, including their many diasporas.

This exhibition is made possible by funding from the Randall Lewis Center for Well-Being and Research. Special thanks to Dr. Grace Zhao for her generosity, insights, and collaboration.

For additional gallery information please contact Dion Johnson,, or 909.593.3511 x 4383