
Name and Title Phone Email
Dr. Yousef Daneshbod
Associate Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4125
Dr. Michael Frantz
Professor, Mathematics Emeritus
Dr. Casey Griffin
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4609
Frank Ives
Instructor, Math
(909) 448-4594
Dr. Xiaoyan Liu
Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4615
Dr. Gail Tang
Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4368

Adjunct Faculty

Name and Title

Office Location


Jessica Cortez

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics & Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 B jcortez@laverne.edu
Cristian Farias

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B cfarias@laverne.edu
Cristian Martinez

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B cmartinez2@laverne.edu
Amit Mishal

Adjunct Professor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B amishal@laverne.edu
Scott Phelps

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics and Physics

Mainiero 152 G sphelps@laverne.edu
Seth Ricarte

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B sricarte@laverne.edu
Kora Tsay

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B ktsay@laverne.edu