Certificate in Paralegal Studies

A student applying to the Certificate in Paralegal Studies must have the following: a bachelor’s degree or 60 semester hours (including a minimum of 18 in general education) from a regionally accredited college. The general education must include at least three semester hours in college-level English composition and 15 units from at least three of the following academic areas: social and behavioral science; English composition and literature; foreign language; mathematics; humanities; natural science; appreciation or history of the arts.


32 semester hours

Same as the Core Requirements for the B.S., Legal Studies, except that LS 499 is not required. An elective in an area of interest is encouraged.

LS 301American Legal Studies4
LS 304Legal Research and Writing4
LS 311Law Office Computer Applications2
LS 355Advanced Research & Writing2
LS 365Litigation I4
LS 368Litigation II4
LS 380Torts4
LS 390Contracts4
LS 490Paralegal Internship & Ethics4
Total Semester Hours32