The Chalk boy
The Chalk Boy, written by Joshua Conkel is an enticing portrayal of the difficulty and angst that comes with being a teenage girl in a small town. Jeff Chalk, an attractive and dimwitted teenage boy, disappears from Clear Creek leaving the entire town in chaos. The play follows the lives of four teenage girls living their everyday lives as one of their classmates has gone missing. The girls also depicts their representation of how the entire town of Clear Creek reacts to this tragedy. Join Penny, Breanna, Trisha and Lauren in their struggle for love, acceptance and locating Jeff Chalk.
Chase Montano
Emily Jardel
Shelby Liburd
Destiny Gullory
Director – Alyssa Songco
Stage Manager – Noelle Soto
Set Designer – David Flaten
Lighting Designer – Brandon Baruch
Sound Designer – Mitchell Sampang
Costume Designer – Laney Poe
Publicity – Audie Muñoz