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 Jermaine Mahguib Ph.D

Jermaine Mahguib Ph.D

La Verne MA 152G

Office: Mainiero Hall 152G

Educational Background

• Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Iowa State University (2021)
• M.S., Biological Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (2014)
• B.S., Environmental Biology, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (2009)


3. Mahguib, J. (2021). Minimum Sample Size, Population Genomics and Morphological Variation in the

Terrestrial Gastropod Webbhelix multilineata (Mollusca, Polygyridae). (Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University).

2. Mahguib, J., & Valdés, Á. (2015). Molecular investigation of the phylogenetic position of the polar nudibranch

Doridoxa (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia). Polar Biology, 38(9), 1369-1377.

1. Hulett, R. E., Mahguib, J., Gosliner, T. M., & Valdés, Á. (2015). Molecular evaluation of the phylogenetic

position of the enigmatic species Trivettea papalotla (Bertsch)(Mollusca: Nudibranchia). Invertebrate Systematics, 29(3), 215-222.

Awards / Honors

• Iowa State University AGEP Fellowship (Aug 2014 – May 2019)
• MBRS-RISE Research Fellowship Program (Jun 2012 – Jun 2014)
• Dean’s List, Biological Sciences Department, Cal Poly Pomona
(Winter 2007; Winter, Spring and Fall 2008; Winter, Spring and Fall 2009)
 • President’s List, Cal Poly Pomona
(Spring 2009)

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