Jeffery Burkhart
Professor Emeritus, Biology & Fletcher Jones Chair
Areas of Research Interest
My major training and interests are in the areas of ecology, natural history and evolution. As an undergraduate, I devoted much of my study to marine biology. In graduate school my interests shifted to the biology of desert plants and animals. Since completing my graduate training I have pursued interests in grassland ecology, herpetology, coral reef ecology, tropical biology and the biology of venomous animals. The majority of my research involved undergraduate students.
Courses taught
- Animal Biology
- Invertebrate Zoology
- Environmental Biology
- Evolution, Research Methods
- Tropical Biology
- Desert and Mountain Biology
- Religion, Ethics and Sustainability
- Field Biology (Travel Course in Baja California, Costa Rica, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, and Kenya)
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Zoology, Arizona State University
- B.A., Biology, Humboldt State University
Lardie, R. L. , D. L. Crosswhite, and J. T. Burkhart . 1999. Leptotyphlops dulcis dulcis (Texas Blind Snake) in Oklahoma . Herpetological Review 30 (2) : 113
Paper, with Donna Stewart, Notes on the biology of the malachite spiny lizard (Sceloporus malachi ticus) in Costa Rica, Oklahoma Academy of Science Technical meeting, East Central Oklahoma State University, Ada, OK, November 1993
Awards / Honors
- Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 7th edition, 2002
- Glenn Doyle Excellence in Teaching Award, Phillips University, 1997
- Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Technology, 1997 – present
- 1996 Outstanding University Science Educator, Oklahoma Science Teacher Association
- Arizona State University, Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid , National Science Foundation Traineeship
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