Dr. Harvey Good
Professor Emeritus, Biology
Areas of Research Interest
Flora and fauna of the Barton Flats area in the San Bernardino National Forest, particularly on the sensitive plant, Horkelia wilderii.
Courses Taught
- Genetics
- Human Anatomy
- Human Physiology
- Field Biology Entomology
- Mountain & Desert Biology
- Life Science
- Natural History
Educational Background
1980, Ed.D. University of La Verne
1960, M.S. Purdue University
1986 “Genetic Engineering in the Future.” Brethren Life and Thought, The Brethren Press, Elgin, xxxi.
1980 Biofeedback as a tool for stress reduction in school administrators. Unpublished Dissertation, University of La Verne, La Verne, CA.
197 Guide for Teacher In-Service in Ekistics: A Study of Man in His Environment. Consultant to Los Angeles County Department of Education. Publication, #LACO 163.
1973-75 Studies of the Kaupulehu Fish Ponds and Adjacent Areas. Neher, Good and Cohlan, Kona Village, North Kona District, Hawaii. UI-V Biology Department Publications #1 , #2, #3.
1967 A Laboratory Program in Animal Studies. Montclair Science Project, Montclair, CA.
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