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 Andrew Rice

Andrew Rice

Office: (909) 448-4362
La Verne Mainiero 150

Areas of Research Interest

Developed a preliminary QSAR model for the cooling properties of a novel set of non-mint cooling compounds using data calculated in the free computational chemistry software GAMESS. Developed and characterized a new diamond anvil cell for the dynamic control of high pressures in samples to be studied using optical methods. Studied the effect of high pressure on several deuterated and protonated aliphatic tertiary diamine conformers using Raman Spectroscopy. Studied the effect of the temperature of the crystal structure of p-terphenyl using single x-ray crystallography. Investigated the effect of high pressure on the dynamics of pentacene doped in a p-terphenyl crystal lattice using classical forcefield MD simulations.

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, 2011
  • M.S. in Chemistry, University of California, Riverside, 2010
  • B.S. in Chemisrty, California State University, San Bernardino 2004


Rice, A; Fook, T; Chronister, E.L. Deternubation of the Low Temperature Twin Crytal Structure of p – Terphenyl at 100K. Acta Cryta B in Review.

Beran, G. J. O.; Chronister, E.L.; Daemen, L. L.; Moehlig, A.R.; Mueller, L.J.; Oomens, J.; Rice, A.; Santiago-Dieppa, D.; Tham, F.S.; Theel, K.; Yaghmaei, S.; Morton, T.H. Vibrations of a Chelated Proton in a Protonated Tertiary Diamine. PCCP in Review.

Jezowski, S.; Zhu, L.; Wang, Y.; Rice, A.; Scott, G. W.; Bardeen, C.J.; Chronister, E.L. Bond Dissociation in Anthrancene Cycloplane Photodimers Using Low Applied Pressures. to be submitted.

Awards / Honors

  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant, 2004-2005, University of California Riverside
  • CNAS Dean’s Fellowship, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, University of California Riverside
  • Outstanding Undergraduate in Chemistry, 2004 California State University, San Bernardino

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