
Name and Title Phone Email
Dr. Ray Ahmadnia
Associate Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4621
Eric Breslau
Instructor, Biology
Dr. Christine Broussard
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4597
Dr. Jeffery Burkhart
Professor Emeritus Biology & Fletcher Jones Chair
Patricia Caldani
Instructor, Biology
Dr. Victor Carmona
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4016
Dr. David Chappell
Professor, Physics
(909) 448-4598
Amtul Chaudry
Instructor, Physics
(909) 448-1456
Jennifer Clarke
Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor in Biology
Dr. Yousef Daneshbod
Associate Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4125
Dr. Stacey Darling-Novak
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4591
Dr. Michael Frantz
Professor, Mathematics Emeritus
Dr. Jerome Garcia
Professor, Biology & Title V STEM Activities Director
(909) 448-4652
Dr. Jozef Goetz
Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4663
Dr. Harvey Good
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Dr. Casey Griffin
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4609
Frank Ives
Instructor, Math
(909) 448-4594
Ariela Kaspi-Kaneti
Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
(909) 448-4610
Dr. Xiaoyan Liu
Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4615
Dr. Todd Lorenz
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4148
Victoria Lumsargis-Roth
Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Dan Merritt
Professor Emeritus, Zoology
Dr. Nixon Mwebi
Professor, Chemistry & Department Chair of Chemistry
(909) 448-4588
Dr. Bob Neher
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Dr. Iraj Parchamazad
Professor, Chemistry
(909) 448-4608
Dr. Vanessa Preisler
Professor, Physics
(909) 448-4679
Dr. Gail Tang
Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4368
Dr. Tatiana Tatarinova
Associate Professor, Biology & Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair In Computational Biology
(310) 266-8024
Hou Ung
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
(909) 448-4939
Pablo Weaver
Assistant Professor, Biology & Director, Montana Field Station
(909) 448-4612
Dr. Seta Whitby
Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4572
Heng Wu
Assistant Professor, Computer Science

Emeriti Faculty

Name and Title Phone Email
Jeffery Burkhart
Professor Emeritus, Biology & Fletcher Jones Chair
(909) 488-4599
Dr. Michael Frantz
Professor Emeritus, Mathematics
Dr. Harvey Good
Professor Emeritus, Biology
(909) 448-4606
Dr. Jay Jones
Professor of Biology & Biochemistry
(909) 448-4040
Dr. Dan Merritt
Professor Emeritus, Biology Zoology
Dr. Bob Neher
Professor Emeritus, Biology
(909) 448-4600
Mark Nelson
Professor of Chemistry
(909) 448-4610
Iraj Parchamazad
Professor Emeritus, Chemistry
(909) 448-4608

Adjunct Faculty

Name and Title 


Office Location




Luz Chaves, M.S.               

Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G lchavez@laverne.edu
Jessica Cortez, M.A. 

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics & Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 B jcortez@laverne.edu
Alissa De Koning, M.S.

Adjunct Instructor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G adekoning@laverne.edu
Elissa Donzis, Ph.D. 

Senior Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G edonzis@laverne.edu
Ulyana Dyudina, Ph.D.  

Senior Adjunct Professor of Physics

Mainiero 152 G udyudina@laverne.edu
Cristian Farias 

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B cfarias@laverne.edu
Wendy Goliff

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G wgoliff@laverne.edu
Randall Good, M.S. 

Adjunct Instructor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G rgood@laverne.edu
Kalimba Harris, M.S. 

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G kharris@laverne.edu
Liron Kaneti 

Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 B lkaneti@laverne.edu
Raminder Kaur, Ph.D.

Senior Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G rkaur@laverne.edu
Pamela Kimbrough 

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G pkimbrough@laverne.edu
Rueben Kimwomi

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G rkimwomi@laverne.edu
Hovig Krikorian

Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 B hkrikorian@laverne.edu
Wesley Lam, M.A.  

Adjunct Instructor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G wlam@laverne.edu
Dennis Law, Ph.D.  

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G dlaw2@laverne.edu
Cristian Martinez, M.S.

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B cmartinez2@laverne.edu
Sanskruti Mehta, M.D. 

Senior Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G smehta@laverne.edu
Amit Mishal, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Professor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B amishal@laverne.edu
Christopher Morgan, M.S.   

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Natural Science

Mainiero 152 G cmorgan@laverne.edu
Mohammad Muqri, M.S. 

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Mainiero 152 G mmuqri@laverne.edu
Jaime Anguiano, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G janguiano@laverne.edu
Rami Oweini, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Professor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G roweini@laverne.edu
Scott Phelps, M.S. 

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics and Physics

Mainiero 152 G sphelps@laverne.edu
Seth Ricarte

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B sricarte@laverne.edu
Juan Rodriguez, M.S.  

Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 jrodriguez2@laverne.edu
Rebecca Rodriguez, M.A. 

Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Founders Hall 215 A rrodriguez4@laverne.edu
Jennifer Ruiz, D.C.  

Senior Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G jruiz@laverne.edu
Patrick Brady, M.S.

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

Founders Hall 152 lchavez@laverne.edu
David Murphy, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Physics

Mainiero 155 B dmurphy@laverne.edu
Laurence Stein, M.S.  

Senior Adjunct Instructor of Physics

Mainiero 152 G lstein@laverne.edu
Robert Neher, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology, Emeritus

Mainiero 152 A rneher@laverne.edu
Elizaveta Taranenko

Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 261 etaranenko@laverne.edu
Kora Tsay, M.S. 

Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B ktsay@laverne.edu
Christos Tzounis, Ph.D.  

Adjunct Professor of Physics

Mainiero 155 B ctzounis@laverne.edu
Lorraine Washburn, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G lwashburn@laverne.edu
Nanor Williams, M.S.  

Adjunct Instructor of Physics

Mainiero 155 B nwilliams@laverne.edu
Kamile Yuksek, Ph.D.  

Adjunct Professor of Biology

Mainiero 152 G kyuksek@laverne.edu
Mario Nickenig, M.Sc.

Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry

Mainiero 152 G mnickenig@laverne.edu
Joy Shin, Ph.D. 

Adjunct Professor of Mathematics

Mainiero 155 B jshin@laverne.edu