Alumni News

Allison Arms (Biology)

Allison Arms (Biology) has received a post-graduate job offer from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that derived from her attendance to the Fall STEM Career Fair. Congratulations, Allison!

Mark Garcia (E-Commerce)

Mark Garcia won the 2024 Los Angeles largest Gen AI Hackathon! Mark Garcia is class of 2024. He graduated from ULV as an E-Commerce major with Information Science Concentration. Currently, Mark is enrolled in ULV Master’s in Data Analytics (MDA) Program. Congratulations Mark! You make us very proud!

 Shanaya Dias (Biology)

Dr. Tatiana V. Tatarinova (Biology) and Biology Alumni, Shanaya Dias – Class of 2018, has shared the publication of a paper they co-authored with others in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD)! This paper explored hair loss conditions that primarily impact African Americans. Additionally, they developed a predictive model to help better understand and manage these […]

Tristan Tippett (Biology)

Tristan Tippett (Biology) was accepted into CSULA for their CGMBS training program and matched with Kaiser Permanente as his clinical site.

Nadeen Mohammad (Biology)

Nadeen Mohammad (Biology) has been selected as a 2024 Spirit of La Verne Honoree.

Daniel Oliva (Physics and TIII Research Scholar)

Daniel Oliva (Physics and TIII Research Scholar) has been accepted in the Master’s Program in Electrical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, as part of the La Verne WashU Dual Degree Program.

Neema Badihiam (Computer Science)

Neema Badihiam (Computer Science alum) and his team won first place in the Harvey Mudd College’s Computer Science “hackathon” in 2018. He graduated from USC in the master’s program for Quantum Information Science in 2023 and for recommendations for USC, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, and the University of Maryland. 

Christopher Grime (Computer Science)

Christopher Grime (Computer Science alum) was admitted to California State University, Fullerton, for a Master’s degree in Computer Science.    Congratulations, Christopher!

Christopher Grime (Computer Science)

Christopher Grime (Computer Science alum) was admitted to California State University, Fullerton in the Master of Computer Science program.  

David Lara (Mathematics, 2022)

David Lara (Mathematics, 2022) has been accepted into the master’s program for Mathematics at California State University, Fresno.

Diego Gonzalez (Mathematics)

Diego Gonzalez was selected for an extremely competitive summer undergraduate research program called the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Research Program. His research topic was “Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Patient Detox Journey”.

Nicholas San Juan (Physics)

Nicholas San Juan (Physics) was accepted into the Physics Ph.D. program at Auburn University.

Rose Albu Mustaf (Physics)

Rose Albu Mustaf  (Physics) was accepted into the Physics Ph.D. program at Rice University.