
Name and Title Phone Email
Dr. Ray Ahmadnia
Associate Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4621
Thomas Allison
Associate Professor, Legal Studies
(909) 448-4358
Dr. Gitty Amini
Associate Professor, Political Science
(909) 448-4735
Dr. Nick Athey
Assistant Professor
(909) 448-4636
Dr. Clara Barr
Instructor, English
(909) 448-4497
Dr. Jane Beal
Professor, English Literature
(909) 448-1578
Carolyn Bekhor
Professor, Legal Studies
(909) 448-4410
Shannon Benine
Associate Professor of Photography
(909) 448-4070
Sean Bernard
Professor, Creative Writing
(909) 448-4714
Allyson Brantley
Director of Honors and Interdisciplinary Initiatives
(909) 448-4737
Eric Breslau
Instructor, Biology
Dr. Christine Broussard
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4597
Dr. Ngoc Bui
Associate Dean
(909) 448-4099
Dr. Jeffery Burkhart
Professor Emeritus Biology & Fletcher Jones Chair
Kristine Butterly Ross
Instructor, Rhetoric and Communication Studies
(909) 448-1570
Dr. Joseph Cabrera
Asst Dean UG Prog Director LVE
(909) 448-1582
Patricia Caldani
Instructor, Biology
Dr. Dan Campana
Professor, Philosophy & Religion
(909) 448-4354
Dr. Gabriela Capraroiu
Professor, Spanish
(909) 448-4711
Dr. Victor Carmona
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4016
Dr. David Chappell
Professor, Physics
(909) 448-4598
Amtul Chaudry
Instructor, Physics
(909) 448-1456
Johnna Christian
Associate Professor, Sociology
Dr. Al Clark
Professor, Humanities
(909) 448-4161
Jennifer Clarke
Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor in Biology
Lauren Crossland-Marr
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Dr. Valerie Cummings
Chair Journalism and Communications Program, Assoc Prof Broadcast Journalism
(909) 448-4376
Dr. Yousef Daneshbod
Associate Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4125
Dr. Stacey Darling-Novak
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4591
Dr. Sharon Davis
Emeritus Professor, Sociology
Dr. Hector Delgado
Professor, Sociology
(909) 448-4475
Dr. Aghop Der-Karabetian
Professor Emeritus, Psychology
Sean Dillon
Professor, Theatre Arts
(909) 448-4554
Chuck Feesago
Instructor, Art
(909) 448-4773
Dr. Michael Frantz
Professor, Mathematics Emeritus
Dr. Jerome Garcia
Professor, Biology & Title V STEM Activities Director
(909) 448-4652
Dr. Richard Gelm
Professor, Political Science
(909) 448-4724
Dr. Jozef Goetz
Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4663
Dr. Harvey Good
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Dr. Glenn Goodwin
Visiting Professor, Sociology & Anthropology
(909) 448-4364
Dr. Reed Gratz
Professor of Music
(909) 448-4915
Dr. Casey Griffin
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4609
Dr. Stacey Haug
Instructor, Sociology
(909) 448-4364
Dr. Ann Hills
Associate Professor, Spanish
(909) 448-4367
Dr. Judy Holiday
Chair and Associate Professor, Rhetoric and Communication Studies
(909) 448-4320
Mikayla Holzinger
Director of Forensics, Instructor
Jacob Huberman
Visiting Professor, Film & TV
Dr. Cathy Irwin
Professor, English
(909) 448-4712
Frank Ives
Instructor, Math
(909) 448-4594
Jennifer Jared
Instructor, RCS
Josh Jensen
Assistant Professor and Chair, First-year Rhetoric and Writing Program
(909) 448-4704
Prof. Dion Johnson
Director, Art Galleries & Distinguished Artist
(909) 448-4383
Dr. Jay Jones
Professor Emeritus of Biology and Biochemistry
(909) 912-4650
Dr. Jeffrey Kahan
Professor, English
(909) 448-4351
Ariela Kaspi-Kaneti
Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
(909) 448-4610
Dr. George Keeler
Professor, Journalism
(909) 448-4762
Jacqueline Kozak
Instructor, Writing
(909) 448-4358
Dr. Gerard Lavatori
Assoc Dean Curr Sched Stu Affa
(909) 448-4353
Dr. Jon Leaver
Professor, Art History
(909) 448-4328
Alexander Lev-Da-Silva
Instructor, Modern Languages
(909) 448-1579
Prof. Ian Lising
Associate Professor, RCS
(909) 448-1544
Dr. Xiaoyan Liu
Professor, Mathematics
(909) 448-4615
Keith Lord
Professor, Art
(909) 448-4754
Dr. Todd Lorenz
Professor, Biology
(909) 448-4148
Victoria Lumsargis-Roth
Assistant Professor of Physical Chemistry
Dr. Kenneth Marcus
Professor, History
(909) 448-4733
Dr. Dan Merritt
Professor Emeritus, Zoology
Juli Minoves-Triquell
Professor, Political Science
(909) 448-4454
Dr. Alessandro Morosin
Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology
(909) 448-4168
Dr. Nixon Mwebi
Professor, Chemistry & Department Chair of Chemistry
(909) 448-4588
Dr. Bob Neher
Professor, Emeritus Biology
Dr. Jason Neidleman
Professor, Political Science
(909) 448-4726
Prof. Marilyn Oliver
Professor and Athletic Trainer Emerita
(909) 593-3511
Tom Ontiveros
Associate Professor, Theater Design Emphasis
(909) 448-4550
Dr. Elaine Padilla
Professor and Chair, Philosophy & Religion, LatinX/ Latin American Studies
(909) 448-1486
Dr. Iraj Parchamazad
Professor, Chemistry
(909) 448-4608
Dr. Raúl Pérez Ph.D.
Assoc Professor, Sociology
(909) 448-4172
Ariel Pisturino
Assistant Professor of Practice, Director of Vocal Studies
(909) 448-4922
Don Pollock
Professor, Broadcast Emeritus
(909) 448-4751
Dr. Vanessa Preisler
Professor, Physics
(909) 448-4679
Dr. Peggy Redman
Professor Emerita, Education
Dr. Jonathan Reed
(909) 448-4366
Dr. Richard Rose
Professor, Religion & Philosophy
(909) 448-4047
Michael Ryan
Prof Practice, Music
(909) 448-4922
Morgan Sandler
Associate Professor, Digital Film Production
(909) 448-4348
Dane Sawyer
Instructor, Philosophy and Religion
(909) 448-1579
Dr. Gail Tang
Professor of Mathematics
(909) 448-4368
Dr. Tatiana Tatarinova
Associate Professor, Biology & Fletcher Jones Endowed Chair In Computational Biology
(310) 266-8024
Hou Ung
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
(909) 448-4939
Pablo Weaver
Assistant Professor, Biology & Director, Montana Field Station
(909) 448-4612
Dr. Seta Whitby
Professor, Computer Science
(909) 448-4572
Heng Wu
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Dr. Grace Xia Zhao
Professor, Music and Music Department Chair
(909) 448-4919
Elizabeth Zwerling
Professor, Journalism
(909) 448-4789