The Biology Department affiliates with a number of campus clubs and organizations engaged in the natural sciences. To learn more – or join yourself – read their descriptions below.
Botany and Gardening Club
The Botany and Gardening Club provides a place where La Verne students and faculty learn more about the process of growing and harvesting produce through a community garden. For more information, please contact the Botany and Gardening Club. Advisor: Jay Jones

The ULV SACNAS chapter is an extension of SACNAS – Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science, which is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. SACNAS provides opportunities for underrepresented communities to explore the STEM field. La Verne chapter members have the chance develop their careers as well as to help and aid volunteer events that provide exposure to underprivileged students who desire to go into STEM. Advisor: Victor Carmona
Society of Physical Life Science (SPLSS)
Society of Physical Life Science Scholars (SPLSS) promotes scholarship, character, leadership, and service in regards to the natural sciences. SPLSS offers academic and social support for any undergraduate of the natural sciences. Students interested in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics should consider membership in SPLSS. SPLSS activities provide a wide range of benefits, including tutoring and study sessions for any student taking a natural science course. Information Fairs share valuable resources about applying to graduate programs in medicine, pharmacy, osteopathy, nursing, physical therapy, and doctoral programs. Field trips and film viewings enhance theoretical teachings of the natural sciences. Organized social gatherings create lifelong bonds. Students involved with SPLSS promote environmental awareness during the annual Earth Day event. Advisor: Jerome Garcia
Students Engaged in Environmental Discussion and Service (SEEDS)
Students Engaged in Environmental Discussion and Service (SEEDS) empowers sustainable practices through education and advocacy, collaborates with existing organizations on campus and in the community to promote sustainability, and shows how to integrate the principles of sustainability and the core values of University of La Verne into daily living. Advisor: Jay Jones
Synthetic Biology Club / ULV iGEM Team

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to education and competition, the advancement of synthetic biology, and the development of an open community and collaboration. iGEM runs three main programs: the iGEM Competition – teams made up of predominantly undergraduate students interested in the field of synthetic biology in an international competition showcasing biosynthetic projects from around the world. The iGEM competition encourages student researchers to work in teams and attempt to solve real-world challenges by building genetically engineered biological systems. Each iGEM team works throughout the summer to develop their own project; the Labs Program – a program for academic labs to use the same resources as the competition teams; and the Registry of Standard Biological Parts – a growing collection of genetic parts use for building biological devices and systems. Advisor: Todd Lorenz
Pre-Pharmacy Club
The Pre-Health Club
The Pre-Health Club provides resources, opportunities, and guidance with the goal to build a pre-health student community, where students support each other their journeys to professional school. The idea is to motivate veteran pre-health students to use their experiences to guide newer pre-health students. Activities to include field trips, certification events, volunteer work, and/or a suturing seminar. The main fields of interest are MD/DO, dentistry, physician’s assistant, veterinary medicine, dermatology, psychiatry, and anesthesiology (and more)! Advisor: Aleli Clark