Majoring in Religious Studies

Degree Requirements

Total program semester hours: 41

Core Requirements

21 semester hours

REL 100Introduction to Religion & Spirituality4
REL 225Sacred Texts4
REL 325Religion, Ethics, and Sustainability4
REL 490Research Strategies1
REL 499Senior Project4
PHIL 351Philosophy of Religions4
Total Semester Hours21

Sacred Texts

One course with ST designation (4 semester hours)

Select one of the following:4
REL 331
Jesus and His Teachings
REL 335
The First Christians
REL 390
Topics in Religion (ST designation)
Total Semester Hours4

Religion, Ethics, and Society

One course with RES designation

Select one of the following:4
REL 315
Religion in Film and Pop Culture
REL 346
Politics & Religion in America
REL 352
Latin American-Latinx Liberation Thought
REL 390
Topics in Religion (RES designation)
Total Semester Hours4

World and Indigenous Religions and Spiritualities

One course with WIRS designation (4 semester hours)

Select one of the following:4
REL 305
Eastern Religions
REL 312
Native American Religions
REL 390
Topics in Religion (WIRS designation)
REL 395
Religion and the City
Total Semester Hours4


8 semester hours

Two upper division courses with either the REL or PHIL designation. Interdisciplinary courses that include Religion or Philosophy as a discipline can be applied here. Students can focus on one of the areas above.